
Plus Size Retailers Who Are Joining The Fight To End Breast Cancer

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we’d like to highlight two plus size retailers that are committed to joining the fight to end this disease, as well as provide some information on how you can join in the efforts!

The first company that’s contributing to the fight is Qurvii. For those who haven’t yet experienced what it’s like to wear Qurvii clothes, you don’t know what you’re missing! They are a company that truly caters to the curvy/plus size woman and cuts no corners when it comes to vibrant colors and design!

But beyond dedicating their business to curvy/plus size women, Qurvii is dedicated to giving back to the community. Specifically, they will donate 5% of their profits to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation in an effort to support their mission to find a cure for cancer.

The second company that is committed to “kicking cancer” is Lane Bryant, through their #CombatCancer collection. In fact, I had a wonderful time meeting and interviewing two of Lane Bryant’s Survivor Ambassadors this past Sunday at an event in their 125th store in NYC – you can check out my recap and interview with Margie and Jodi on Plus Model Magazine’s blog.


lane bryant survivor ambassadors

So how can you get involved in the fight? Here are a few suggestions:

I am hopeful that one day we will find a cure for cancer and it will be due to all the current efforts toward that goal.


~ Natasha
