
Have You Joined the MAIA.community?

Are you an entrepreneur? Interested in joining a community with other female-owned entrepreneurs? Then you need to check out the Maia Community ASAP!

Even if you aren’t an entrepreneur, wouldn’t it be cool to go to one place where you could spend your money and support female-owned businesses? You know the answer: Maia Community.  

What is the MAIA.community?

MAIA was born when Kateri came to the realization that 83% of her household was female, yet she wasn’t showing her four daughters a world where women had equal representation. From this realization, her and her husband, Jason, created their personal challenge–83% of the things they purchased or consumed would be owned and operated by women. Failure was the result of this challenge. Not one to be easily deterred, Kateri decided to create a woman-owned business directory that gave consumers free access and woman-owned businesses visibility. Along the way, she partnered with Angel Rowell and together they co-own MAIA.

Kateri believes in women’s equality, more importantly, she will embolden women’s equity, and she will not cease until all data sets can prove it. She loves listening and connecting people and ideas that just make sense. She cares deeply for children, good food, good health, good families, strong communities and Mother Earth. She sees unlimited opportunities and dislikes all forms of waste.

Nectar Memorial Day Sale

Check Out My Interview with the Co-Founder of the MAIA.community

“MAIA is designed to empower consumers like you and me to vote with our money and align our purchasing power with our values,” says founder Kateri Ruiz. Ruiz, with a leadership role background in human resources services, launched MAIA with a desire to bring her four daughters into a more egalitarian world.”

Click Below to Learn More About the MAIA.community?

Simplified, Emily Ley, Simplified Planner

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