Picture this: You are in the middle of a conversation. Twenty minutes have passed and you are ready for the conversation to end but the person speaking to you will not stop talking. How can you gracefully exit the conversation?
1) "I know you are busy and I don't want to take up too much of your time."
When you end the conversation because of the other’s person’s schedule, that person is left feeling important and empowered.
2) "Thank you for chatting. I know you have to go, so let's connect soon."
If you get the feeling that the person talking to you wants to end the conversation, give them the “out” they want but are unable to articulate.
3) "Hey! I hate to interrupt you but I have to go because I will be late for __________ (fill in the blank)."
When you have things to do, it is up to you to prioritize your schedule and obligations. If you are talking but you have to go, be committed to your schedule and communicate that information to those around you.
4) "You are the best. Unfortunately, I have to go. This was so much fun. Let's chat soon!"
If you enjoy someone’s company, why wouldn’t you tell them? If you have to end a conversation, complimenting the person will leave a positive lasting impression. This is one of my favorite ways to gracefully exit a conversation.
5) "I wish I could keep chatting but it looks like I have to go because _______________ (fill in the blank)."
It never feels good knowing that you are the cause of someone else’s tardiness or lateness. When you give a person a warning then they are more likely to encourage you to go rather than be upset about the conversation coming to an end.