If you’ve taken a few minutes to browse my blog, you’ll notice fairly quickly that I’m pretty big on the idea that fashion can be a tool of empowerment for all women. Actually, I believe in it so much that it’s the main reason I created Dressing Room 8 and I will tell it to anyone who will listen.
Check out my quote in Fortune.com on this
As most of my readers already know, I attended attended Full Figured Fashion Week NYC last week and had an amazing experience. What made my experience so great was meeting the people behind the fashion. I walked away from each conversation feeling more committed than ever to Dressing Room 8’s mission because I felt such support and love within this community. At the end of the day, fashion is about feeling and looking your best.
On Thursday, I attended an exclusive blogger event featuring Hal Rubenstein & Marla Wynne Ginsburg. It was a unique opportunity to preview the fashion before Saturday evening’s runway show and also get a behind the scenes look at the inspiration and magic. For those of you who are dying to see how the magic happens, take a gander at these inspiration boards:
Not only are Hal and Marla’s designs gorgeous but they are available across a wide range of sizes. They both design clothes with the goal of making any woman who’s wearing them look and feel beautiful. Isn’t that the whole point of this? FFFW is not just a week of fashion, but a celebration of the beauty of full figured women and those who appreciate them.
Check out some of these pieces inspired by Thursday’s events:
(click on each picture to purchase)